The DiRT Rally PlayStation VR upgrade has changed that, however. Point is, racing games on PSVR are either too compromised or too limited. Meanwhile, we’re still waiting for more VR modes to be added to Moto Racer 4 beyond lonely time trials, and while TrackMania Turbo is surprisingly playable in VR, the free update offers limited replay value with only a small selection of VR-only events available. Launch title DriveClub VR effectively showcased how the technology could potentially transform the genre, but its drastically downgraded visuals left you with a headache, making it difficult to recommend over the original game.

It’s a shame, then, that the current crop of racing titles available for PlayStation VR headset owners leaves a lot to be desired. Donning a VR headset not only increases the immersion allowing you to look around virtual car cockpits, being able to look into corners, follow the apex and monitor your track position offers competitive advantages too. Racing games are the perfect platform for virtual reality games.